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S. Korea's one-person households to reach 40% of total in 2050


People sit on June 10, 2022 under the Cheongdam Bridge near the waters of the Han River in Seoul. The data showed that ANTHONY WALLACE AFP SEOUL South Korea's one-person households are estimated to reach nearly 40 percent of the total households in 2050 due to low births and an aging population.

According to Statistics Korea, the proportion of one-member households will increase from 31.2 percent of the total in 2020 to 39.6 percent in 2050.

The number of two-member households is expected to increase from 28.0 percent to 36.2 percent of the total households during the same period.

By 2050, households with three and four members are expected to fall to 16.6 percent and 6.2 percent of the total, according to the data.

The younger generation refraining from getting married and having babies with the population rapidly aging is expected to lead to a gain in households with one or two members.

In 2020, the highest portion of 18.8 percent of the total one-person households in their 20 s was accounted for by age, followed by those in their 30 s with 16.8 percent.

ALSO READ: The jobs and ageing faces behind S. Korea's low employment rates.

In 2050, the highest share in the one-person households is estimated to be those in their 80 s or older ages with 24.5 percent, followed by those in their 70 s with 18.4 percent.