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Final votes in Chile’s new constitution


The process of drafting Chile's new constitution has come to an abrupt end as the final votes were quickly held by the 154 member, gender-equal constitutional convention.

The delegates embraced and cheered as the draft was finalised, despite the fact that the former congress building in Santiago has played host to Chile's constitutional process.

Tiare Aguilera, 40, a Delegate representing Chile's Polynesian territory Rapa Nui, or Easter Island, said it was fitting that we finished up like this.

This is how it's been, all along tight deadlines and a lot of uncertainty, as we tried to address our country's turbulent political process. The draft constitution will be presented at a ceremony on July 4 before all Chileans aged 18 or older must vote to approve or reject it in a nationwide plebiscite on September 4th.

Both camps are expected to be hard-fought and divisive.

After a year of tense negotiations and occasionally bitter infighting, the 388 article draft shifts Chile's development decisively away from the neoliberal consensus of the current constitution drafted without democratic input by a team of dictator General Augusto Pinochet's confidants.

The new draft, by contrast, makes the state responsible for the provision of services, enshrines a host of social and cultural rights, and guarantees gender parity across government and public enterprises.

It also lays out a path for autonomy for the indigenous peoples of Chile who were guaranteed representation in the Constitutional Convention.

The draft does two things in particular, said Tom s Laibe, a 31 year-old representing Ays n, a swathe of Chilean Patagonia in the far south of the country.

It rethinks the state's relationship with social rights, and it enshrines representative democracy to open the door to other forms of participation. Chile's journey towards replacing its constitution began long ago but gathered irresistible momentum in late 2019 when millions of people poured onto the streets to express their discontent with their lives and the political forces that govern them.

A plebiscite to be held a year later on 25 October 2020 was paved by the vast social movement, which led to a peace accord, of which current president Gabriel Boric was a signatory.

Nearly 80% of the Chileans voted to draft a new constitution, and the largely leftist convention was inaugurated in July last year.

The convention drew up a draft with nearly 500 articles, which have now been streamlined and condensed.

The ceremony was suspended due to a street battle where protestors hurled hunks of concrete while police fired back with water cannons and teargas.

Since then a campaign to undermine the process has simmered in the background, and many delegates remain proud of their work, even though polling indicates that a majority of Chileans plan to reject the draft.

F lix Galleguillos, 36, said the process has been full of hope from the beginning, because of the seat reserved for the Lickanatay indigenous community from the Atacama desert.

There has never been a constitutional process like this before and there will never be one again. It is unique.