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This carnivorous pitcher plant is a carnivorous creature


It has curled teeth and an appetite for devouring creatures.

The Albany pitcher plant eats its prey of insects and flies by snaring them with trickery and then dissolves them with enzymes.

Its incredible survival adaptation and appearance has made it one of the most sought-after carnivorous plants by collectors around the world.

The botanist Adam Cross is an expert in rare and endangered species at Curtin University.

It's a distinctive plant that has a voracious appetite for ants, according to Dr Cross.

It is one of the most unique and incredible elements of Western Australia's incredible flora. The ancient plant is only found in a tiny pocket on WA's southern coast and is estimated to be 55 million years old.

While many similar pitcher plants have thrived in America and Asia, scientists don't know how this plant came to be endemic in Western Australia.

He said that it is a pitcher plant like many other pitcher plant groups, yet it has evolved completely independently of all of those different types of pitcher plants.

The pitcher's section is about 5 centimeters in length.

They have these wicked kinds of curled teeth across the opening of the pitcher, which is closed by a hood, Dr Cross said.

The hood has a number of translucent windows in it that trick insects into thinking it's open sky. They fly in through those windows and it sends them down into trap fluid. Its rarity means it is sought after on the private flora market.

Hundreds of individuals take them and sell them to the hobby market, Dr Cross said.

There are instances of people coming from interstate to dig up hundreds and hundreds of people to take them off and sell them into the hobby market because of the demand for Albany pitcher plants that have been collected from the wild.

People all over the world grow this plant because of its uniqueness and amazing colour, shape and ecology.