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We Continue the Change, Bulgaria Socialist Party agree on priorities of future government


After consultations with the parliament, the prime minister nominee Assen Vassilev announced that We Continue the Change and the Bulgarian Socialist Party have reached an agreement on the priorities of the future government. The coalition partners in the current cabinet have agreed that expert teams will prepare a management programme in a short period of time, in which they will lay down clear deadlines and commitments by the end of the year.

The social pillar in politics was important in the previous cabinet. Our opinion coincides with the priorities that are announced in advance - to fight corruption, but we would like to supplement the government's program with several themes - social policy, health care, education, economy, and economy, said the leader of the Socialists, Kornelia Ninova.

I strongly believe that we will be able to form a government that will continue to work for the interests of Bulgaria Assen Vassilev.