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Philippine military struck by tanks, missiles


It's Monday, July 4. Hi there, it's Monday. These are homes and these are livelihoods and these are lives lost here in this town. It's just devastating to see the use of tanks, missiles, heavy artillery in a civilian area because you had such a significant force. One thing you hear about today: NSW SES warns 'you will flood again'

There were 69 evacuation orders live at 6: 30 am and the SES is urging people to follow those instructions. Sean Kearns, SES Assistant Commissioner, said residents don't have to wait for an evacuation order to leave.

Let's get you up to speed.

Families shelled out around US 108.5 million and $159 million in ticket sales for Minions: The Rise of Gru over the US, and by the end of July 4th it's worth will have earned $127.9 million, with its worldwide takes at $202.2 million.

We'll be back later in the day with more.