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Boris Johnson’s battle for survival spawned a slew of memes


Boris Johnson's battle for survival has spawned a slew of memes on social media. The collage artist is seen as a satirist of record for the British political system. He immediately jumped into gear on Tuesday.

Chris Kamara and Jeff Stelling were reunited.

It was end-to-end stuff for the sports broadcasters, in political terms.

Guffaws in the House of Lords

This isn't a meme, but it probably meets the definition of satire. Lord True, Cabinet Office minister, said he was talking about upholding public standards, prompting howls of laughter from the red benches.

Footage of Tuesday morning s grim cabinet meeting why did Johnson let in the cameras? It was overhauled to look like the opening credits of the festival of parricide, Succession.

The latest iteration of the popular meme format of the comedy game show.

Obligatory Thick of It references

There were several Thick of It-based memes yesterday, but here is an example of the fictional Tory minister of the programme.

The mayor of Jaws said he was a citizen.

He is Johnson's favourite character from the film.

This is a last month, but it has not aged.