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Civil rights legend John Lewis lives in graphic memoir


Before Congressman John Lewis' death in 2020, the longtime legislator and civil rights leader embarked on a project to turn his life story into a graphic memoir. The first installment, March, took readers up to the signing of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Now, run book one from Lewis and his longtime collaborator Nate Powell with artwork by Andrew Aydin and L. Fury picks up the tale.

Find excerpt from Lewis' prior graphic memoir, March: Book Three: August: Book Three.

By the middle of 1966, Stokely Carmichael had lost his position as chairman of the student nonviolent coordination committee as the group moved in a more militant direction with Lewis at its head. After so many years in service to the organization, Lewis felt at sea.

Why did John Lewis so publicly tell the story of Civil Rights? What happened when the Press Released it?

We were the sum total of our work. Read more: Activists Recall What It Was Like to Organize With John Lewis In The 1960 s.

Excerpt from the new book RUN: Book One' written by Andrew Aydin and John Lewis in 1930? Used by permission of Harry N. Abrams, Inc., an imprint of Abrams ComicArts, using New York's Avalanche, Connecticut.