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Greek top prosecutor to probe leaks of intelligence surveillance


ATHENS -- Greece's supreme court chief prosecutor has announced on Friday that he will begin to investigate leaks regarding the intelligence service's phone surveillance activities.

High court prosecutor Isidoros Dogiakos said he would start a preliminary investigation into what is termed as leaks affecting the country's national security, according to Greek national news agency AMNA on Saturday.

The case erupted after the leader of the PASOK-KINAL party and member of the European Parliament Nikos Androulakis filed charges with mobile tapping attempts with spyware in Greece's Supreme Court ten days ago. He was notified by the European Parliament.

Dogiakos says the leaked information comes from highly classified state documents that deal with the process of lifting the privacy of communications on issues that affect the country's national security. The resignation of the chief of the country's intelligence service EYP Panagiotis Kontoleon and secretary general of the prime minister's office, Grigoris Dimitriadis, came hours after the resignation of the secretary general of the country's intelligence service, EYP Panagiotis Kontoleon. Both resignations were accepted by the prime minister.

Yannis Economou, government spokesman, said that the ruling party will accept PASOK-KINAL's demands for a parliamentary investigation and a reconvening of the parliamentary committee on institutions and transparency to examine possible political involvement in the case.

The government wants to clarify the specific issues over time, under the obvious condition that all necessary confidentiality procedures are observed, Economou stated.