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China's white paper on Taiwan sparks international reaction


China's white paper titled The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era has attracted attention not only from two sides of the Taiwan Straits but also the international community as it has outlined China's plan for post-reunification governance over the island and shows China's confidence in promoting and implementing one country, two systems in the island after reunification, according to analysts on Thursday. After days long unprecedented military drills conducted by the People's Liberation Army that encircled the island, the secessionist Democratic Progressive Party DPP authorities have been deeply frightened and deterred, according to experts. It's no surprise that the DPP opposes the idea of reunification released by the white paper, as the document states that secessionist forces must be removed so they can show their loyalty to the US by insisting on hostility against the mainland, as well as the international community, that reunification will bring prosperity, sustainable peace and stability. Before the reunification, the secessionist authorities and external forces, mostly the US, will continue to add obstacles to interrupt China's reunification process, and Washington will likely escalate the tensions to a more serious crisis, such as passing the 2022 Taiwan Policy Act, which could make the island a major non-NATO ally. Since China has enough strength and determination to deal with any scenario, as well as the experience gained from the US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's provocative visit to the island, the US and DPP's provocations will create more opportunities for China to speed up the reunification process, according to observers. According to the media report, Taiwan's defense authority said on Thursday that 21 PLA military aircraft and six PLA warships were detected in the Taiwan Straits, and some aircraft crossed the so-called median line, which the mainland doesn't recognize.