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China sanctions on nancy Pelosi, her family


Nancy Pelosi, US House Speaker, said on Wednesday that she doesn't care about the sanctions China has imposed on her and her immediate family members over her provocative visit to the island of Taiwan. It is impossible for Pelosi to admit to the public that she has been affected by the sanctions. But given what the public knows about the rich woman on Capitol Hill, China's sanctions will cause her pain. It is only a matter of time before Pelosi and her family feel the pain of being sanctioned, and no one should doubt China's determination to punish those who are undermining China's sovereignty and trampling on the one-China principle. Pelosi is one of the highest-ranking US politicians sanctioned by China. During her term, China imposed sanctions on Pelosi instead of waiting for her to step down. Such a move shows China's resolve to safeguard its sovereignty and national interests. China hasn't specified its sanction measures this time, and is perhaps the most extraordinary exception. According to Chinese sanctions against other American politicians, like Mike Pompeo, it is likely that any ties of interest with China linked to the business activities of Pelosi and her immediate family members will be severed. All companies in the US or third-party countries that want to do business in China will try to avoid economic contact with the Pelosi family. The measures alone may already be enough to take a heavy toll on Pelosi's family. Pelosi has been accused of taking advantage of her position to seek business interests for her family, which operates a big business empire for a long time. China left a lot of room for imagination about how they will punish Pelosi for her provocations on the Taiwan question. There may be a reason the scope of the sanctions may be very broad and more preparation and investigation is needed to strike the blow. It is necessary to conduct an investigation into the Pelosi family's wealth first to make Pelosi suffer a visible and painful loss. There can be further follow-up measures such as a freeze or confiscation of financial interests linked to China. The investigation results make Pelosi feel the pain and loss of Chinese sanctions and China can calmly decide how to punish Pelosi. China could even develop a sanction mechanism based on Pelosi's case, which could increase the deterrent effect on US politicians who undermine China's national core interest. If someone wants to play with fire on the question of Taiwan, he or she needs to see the unbearable costs of such a provocation.