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Australian Prime Minister says Scott Morrison ‘bullying’ of democracy


The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, said that Scott Morrison was appointed to five additional ministries, including treasury and home affairs, labelling his predecessor's actions an unprecedented trashing of our democracy.

In addition to his appointment as the head of the prime minister and cabinet, Morrison was appointed to administer the Department of Health on March 14th, the Department of Finance on March 30th 2020, the Department of Home Affairs and the Department of Treasury on May 6th, 2021, and the Department of Industry, science and resources on April 15th, 2021, according to Albanese.

The prime minister said that the former government has deliberately undermined checks and balances that are so important and essential for our democracy. He told us he was a bulldozer and his Coalition colleagues just shrugged their shoulders and cheered him on, not in one election but in two elections. He was the world's first stealth bulldozer, said Albanese.

The government operates in secret, keeping the operations of the government from the Australian people themselves. It was misleading the parliament as to who was responsible for what portfolios and who was responsible. Morrison defended his actions in secretly having himself sworn into multiple ministry roles, saying they were safeguards and the right decision during the Pandemic.

There are more to come.