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9 nuclear reactors to go online this winter


There are some common questions asked by the Mainichi Shimbun about the limited number of nuclear reactors set to be online in Japan over the coming winter, following Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's pledge to nine nuclear reactors will be in operation due to power shortage concerns.

There are many more nuclear reactors in Japan. Why are nine?

Answer: Japan's nuclear power plants are not allowed to operate unless they meet the government's earthquake, tsunami and anti-terrorism safety standards after the meltdown at Tokyo Electric Power Company TEPCO Holdings Inc. s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. There are 57 total reactors in the country, but only a handful meet these standards. With 24 reactors set to be decommissioned and those with incomplete safety updates, nine are left to run over the winter.

The nine reactors will be put into operation, and all of them have been in operation at least once since the new standards were put in place after the Fukushima Daiichi disaster. There are no new reactors.

Q: What are the nine reactors?

3 and 4 units at the Oi nuclear power station, the No. 3 and 4 units are located at the Takahama nuclear plant, and the No. The Mihama nuclear plant is run by Kansai Electric Power Co. in Fukui Prefecture, the Sendai nuclear station's units 1 and 2 in Kagoshima Prefecture, and the Genkai power station's No. 3 unit at Shikoku Electric Power Co.'s Ikata power plant in Ehime Prefecture.

Anti-terrorism facilities are also at the Genkai plant's No. The 4 reactor will be ready for operation in mid-February 2023, after which it will be ready for operation. All of these reactors are located in West Japan, and there are limits on how much they can supplement eastern Japan's electricity supply.

Q: What is the situation at other reactors?

There are seven reactors that have passed the safety review, other than those mentioned above. Before the plant can restart, a review of the construction plan and the consent of the local government are also required in addition to safety measure work.

Q: We need a lot of electricity in the summer. Could any of these seven units be up and running next summer?

A: There are three reactors that have a projected restart date, but only the No. 1 and 2 units at Kansai Electric's Takahama plant will be ready for use next summer. After completion of anti-terrorism facilities, those two will be operational in June and July 2023, respectively.

The 2 reactor at Chugoku Electric Power Co.'s Shimane nuclear station in Shimane Prefecture has not posted a restart date, but it plans to finish safety measure work this fiscal year, so it may be able to go online next summer.