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Flipkart Ventures invests in six start-ups under its accelerator program Flipkart Leap Ahead


Flipkart Ventures, a $100 million venture fund set up by Flipkart, is investing in six early stage start-ups under its accelerator program Flipkart Leap Ahead. The program is going to provide guidance on growth, scalability and disruptive innovations in line with the Digital India initiative, with an aim to provide mentorship to these early stage start-ups.

According to Flipkart Ventures, the six start-ups will receive up to $500,000 in equity investments in the form of customised programs designed by Bain Company. The six startups are aiming to build capabilities across a wide range of solutions, each catering to a unique problem statement and the present needs of consumers and sellers online. This includes virtual stores, robotic supply chain solutions, AI-powered fashion cataloging, data analytics-powered business optimisation, data-based freight intelligence, and more that can help elevate customer and seller experiences.

We want to be a catalyst in the growing startup community by continuing to expand our program each year and presenting growth opportunities to emerging entrepreneurs. Ravi Iyer, Senior Vice President and Head, Corporate Development, said he was thrilled to invest in and mentor the six selected startups with unique ideas, disruptive business models and new innovative technologies.

Here are the six start-ups.

Dopplr Metaverse: Provides immersive virtual stores as a service for brands, aided by Al driven garment display and personalisation.

Livwell Insurtech is a health engagement application that provides affordable bite-size insurance products aimed at millennials.

LogisticsNow LoRRI Logistics Solutions: A digital logistics platform LoRRI on the B2B transport value chain, powered by a vision to build a national logistics grid.

Rightbot Technologies-Robic Fulfilment: A full stack robotics automation platform that caters to online fulfilment.

Sellerapp Seller Enablement is a seller-centric intelligence platform that allows sellers to manage, optimise and scale their business.