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Chinese official opposes negotiations between US, Taiwan


This file photo shows Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. A PHOTO CHINA DAILY BEIJING - A Chinese mainland official has voiced resolute opposition to the negotiations of any agreement of official nature or implications for sovereignty between the United States and China's Taiwan region.

Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made the remarks in response to an inquiry about media reports on the development of the so-called US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. READ MORE: US urged to play no games over Taiwan

The US side must abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiques, but Ma said that attempts to play the Taiwan card to block China's reunification and national rejuvenation won't succeed.

Ma warned Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party authorities that colluding with external forces under the disguise of economic cooperation, and traying the interests of the people on the island, to seek their own political interests will face reckoning.

ALSO READ: Chinese envoy says the U.S. is to blame for tension across the Taiwan Straits.