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Banks should get final decision on who should invest in ESG, Alex Sanchez warns


As big bank CEOs get ready to testify on Thursday in front of the House Financial Service Committee, Florida Bankers Association president and CEO Alex Sanchez advised business leaders not to play political games over ESG issues, and expressed that banks should get the final decision on who should invest in Mornings with Maria Wednesday.

ALEX SANCHEZ: Stay out of individual political issues because elections have consequences. I want our CEOs not to play political games and dance with either party, as it has happened in the past, and that's why I want to see the bankers make the final decision. I don't want the government, either the right or the left, to say bank this person or don't bank that one. The bankers should make a decision based on their risk and business profile. The danger is that it will happen if you play political games and dance with one party or another.