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National Mining Association president discusses potential rail strike


National Mining Association president and CEO Rich Nolan talked about the magnitude of a potential rail strike Monday, telling Mornings with Maria that it would interrupt the flow of commodities that go into products and goods for the everyday American consumer.

RICH NOLAN: I think there is a process underway by the president Biden with the unions. They are in a question and answer period. We as the largest user of the rail system are concerned about the potential impact of a strike and will vote for 21 days, which will push this well past the midterm elections.

There is a lot at stake here because we represent about 45% of the tonnage hauled on U.S. railways. We are in an environment of sustained inflation. There are a lot of pressure on the board and a strike would damage the U.S. economy just as we head into the holiday as they duck past the midterm elections, so we are very concerned about where this is going.