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Conservative government’s plan to revive economic policy


It amounts to the wholesale reversal of previous economic policy, both of which have been adopted by Conservative governments over the last 12 years, which Liz Truss sat within for most of that time and those of Labour before that.

They can't be certain that their approach will work, nor the methods they have chosen to deliver it will be popular.

The government has said it is going to borrow a shedload of money when the value of the pound is falling and the cost of government borrowing is rising.

A senior Labour figure was the first to mention it to me as Kwasi Kwarteng prepared to get to his feet in the Commons.

They argue that this is a calculated and worthwhile thing to do, because to do nothing, to maintain the status quo, would be a bigger gamble still.

Growth has been sluggish for years and years, and the economy is on the edge of recession.