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Luton’s airport growth plans to be investigated


Luton Borough Council, whose company Luton Rising owns the airport, approved the growth plans in December.

The London Luton Airport Operations Limited LLAOL applied to increase passenger capacity from 18 million to 19 million per year and to change noise contours.

The government said an inquiry should look at the main aspects of development.

Three inspectors are expected to participate in the inquiry, Richard Clegg, Sheila Holden and Geoff Underwood, the Local Democracy Reporting Service said.

A pre-inquiry meeting was held in July in the Council Chamber of Luton Town Hall to outline the management of the process.

The agenda included seven areas that were considered to be the main aspects of the application, which were air quality, climate change, impact of noise, socio-economic implications, and whether it would be consistent with the local development plan and other policies.

Environmental campaigners were concerned about the role of the council in granting planning permission.

Local protest group Luton and District Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise LADACAN said it was pleased there would be an inquiry.

Andrew Lambourne, of LADACAN, said earlier this year that they were really grateful for the support from local MPs, councils and other groups in helping to get this decision called in.

We expect the hearings to shine some uncomfortable light on how the airport and borough council failed to make the necessary balance between growth and mitigation, instead focusing on maximising revenues. A LLAOL spokesman previously said it respected the government's request for the application to undergo further examination.

After the worst crisis our industry has ever faced, our project allows us to put the airport on the best possible footing for a long-term recovery that supports the local economy and creates jobs.

This plan is consistent with our commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2026 and achieve carbon neutrality for our operations by 2040.