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KKV warns against misleading marketing campaign


It used phrases such as clean energy and a cleaner world, and clean energy and recycling without providing any evidence to support the claims or any details of the operating principles and climate actions of Fortum. The commercial's message and eco-friendly impression was therefore vague and generic, according to KKV.

The commercial claim is a vague promise of a better future that leaves a positive impression but fails to provide consumers real information to support environmentally friendly choices, said V n nen.

In its press release on Wednesday, KKV reminded that it is not allowed to present inaccurate or misleading information in marketing. The rule applies also to environmental claims, which must be clear, precise and understandable and backed by proof.

The principles of environmental marketing have been laid out by KKV and the European Commission.

Fortum has committed to complying with the demands of the ombudsman not to use generalised claims and imaging to create an impression of eco-friendliness without specifying what concrete factors the impression is founded on, in the same context. The company pledged not to make any forward-looking claims about the environmental impact of its operations that it cannot substantiate at the time of the campaign.

The marketing campaign that included the misleading commercial has already ended and the commercial has been removed from the Fortum website.