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Japan to completely abolish nationality-based criteria for hiring staff


The gunma prefectural government has decided to completely abolish nationality-based criteria for hiring staff, starting with exams in fiscal 2023.

Foreign nationals have already been eligible for 21 of the 36 job types within departments under the governor's supervision, including public health nurse positions, while they are not allowed to take tests for the remaining 15, including positions dealing with administrative affairs.

Gov. Ichita Yamamoto proposed to abolish nationality-based criteria in response to a question by prefectural assembly member Isao Yamato during an assembly meeting on September 26. As of late, there are more opportunities for foreigners to participate, and the goal to secure diversity is emphasized by Yamamoto. As the Japanese government favors a policy that requires all civil servants to have Japanese nationality, the prefecture plans to restrict operations for foreigners, including tasks involving governmental approval and tax payments.

Gunma Prefecture put into effect its local ordinance on promoting a multicultural and inclusive society in April 2021. Since June of this year, it had been talking about the move to abolish nationality-based criteria. At the end of 2021, 60,749 foreign nationals were living in the prefecture, accounting for 3.1% of its population.