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A look at the life of former Greek prime minister


Here is a look at the life of Lucas Papademos, the former prime minister of Greece.

Senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston in 1980.

Chief economist at the Bank of Greece was in 1985 -- 1993.

The economics of Teaches is at the University of Athens in 1988 -- 1993.

Governor of the Bank of Greece from 1994 -- 2002.

2002 -- Assists the Greek government s transition from the drachma to the euro.

2010 -- 2011 - serves as an adviser to Prime Minister George Papandreou.

Senior fellow at the Center for Financial Studies, Frankfurt, Germany from 2010 to present.

A. Zombanakis is the inaugural Minos A. Zombanakis professor of the International Financial System at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Is sworn in as the prime minister of Greece on November 11, 2011.

May 16, 2012 - Resigns as prime minister after Greek elections failed to produce a government.

May 25, 2017 - I'm injured by a letter bomb explosion while riding in a car in Athens.