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Blackburn slams short-term spending bill, says'moral'


Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., criticized Democrats' short-term funding bill to prevent a government shutdown, arguing on Varney Co. Thursday that the resolution would add to the crippling national debt and increase the burden on American taxpayers.

SEN. DYSFUNCTION WE NEED TRUE REFORM SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN: I'm not going to vote for this. One of the things that is so aggravating is that they have put the end date of this C.R. Democrats know they're going to lose the House and Senate. They want to go pork up one more big spending bill and load trillions of dollars of debt onto the backs of our children, our grandchildren. It is immoral. After the people vote for a new congress, Congress would come in and do the budget for the next year for the balance of the year. This is a no-win situation for the U.S. taxpayer who is working hard to combat inflation and keep their head above water.