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Elon Musk says Tesla Cybertruck almost ready to sail


The Tesla Cybertruck is almost ready to set sail.

Elon Musk stated on Thursday that Teslas upcoming electric pickup will be somewhat seaworthy.

The cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes and even seas that aren't too choppy, Musk wrote.

He had made a similar claim about the vehicle in 2020 and had also said the same thing about the Tesla Model S in 2016.

We don't recommend this, but Model S floats well enough to turn it into a boat for short periods of time. Thrust via wheel rotation, he tweeted about the Model S.

He did not elaborate on how the Cybertruck would propel itself, but he did give a reason why he was interested in the capability.

It needs to get from Starbase to South Padre Island, which requires crossing the channel, Musk explained.

Starbase is the main headquarters of the SpaceX rocket company Musk, which is located in Brownsville, Texas, and is separated from South Padre Island by a channel that does not have a bridge and takes around an hour to drive around.

Musk didn't elaborate on why he would need to make such a trip, but South Padre Island is a nightlife and entertainment destination with a marijuana shop called Starbase Dispensary.

Prior to the Cybertruck revelation, Musk had been tweeting about how the SpaceX Starlink satellite internet system can work in hurricane force winds, even when mounted to a ship.

Musk said on Friday that the company's full self-driving system and Tesla's AI artificial intelligence Day will feature updates on several products, including the Optimus humanoid robot and the company's full self-driving system.