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Kamala Harris’ comments on hurricane aid look like another gaffe


Stuart Varney, host of Varney Co., discussed V.P. during his latest My Take. Harris' comments about distributing hurricane aid based on equity, argued that her statement looks like another gaffe, but is certainly a controversy. STUART VARNEY: It looks like another gaffe. It is certainly a controversy.

Vice President Harris spoke about the effects of climate change on people of color, and how to distribute aid after hurricane damage in Puerto Rico and Florida.

She said resources should be given based on equity. Social media jumped on it. Elon Musk said, Should be according to greatest need, not race or anything else. Harris has a habit of using the word salad. There is a lot of left-wing jargon designed to cover the real message.

Harris was caught up with Fox News Digital and asked her to explain her equity comment.

She wouldn't answer. I suspect that this administration would give assistance based on race.

Kamala Harris can't say it in plain English because there's an election in five weeks, and most voters don't want racial preference in helping hurricane victims.