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Busloads of migrants drop off outside Vice President Harris residence


A bus from Texas dropped off about 50 migrants outside the Vice President Kamala Harris residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C. for the second time this week.

Many of the migrants, including men, women and children, told NBC News they came from Venezuela. They were seen carrying small white bags with their only possessions.

A young man named Victor said he came through the jungle before arriving in Texas, and that he was given food on the bus and was treated very well. He said he does not have a final destination in mind, but he is looking for a job. A majority of the migrants on the bus told NBC News they planned to go elsewhere as well.

The volunteers from SAMU First Response, an international humanitarian organization, were on hand to help the migrants.

Busloads of undocumented migrants arrived in liberal strongholds without warning earlier this year, as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, both Republicans who are running for re-election, tried to call attention to what they say are the Biden administration's failed border policies. Thousands of migrants have arrived in New York, Washington, Chicago and beyond, sending officials in those cities scrambling to provide a system of support services to them.

Abbott started the migrant busing program to so-called sanctuary cities and was mimicked by DeSantis, who boarded two planes carrying about 50 migrants from San Antonio to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts last month. Migrants who were part of the trip have been accused of filing a class-action lawsuit against DeSantis and other state officials, alleging they were victims of fraud for political purposes.

Democratic governors whose states are affected by the tactic have condemned Abbott and DeSantis for their actions. J. B. Pritzker issued an emergency declaration last month to deal with nearly 500 immigrants who were busted by Abbott to Chicago, mobilizing the state's National Guard after he stood before the media to call Abbott's actions disgusting. Gavin Newsom has also asked the Justice Department to investigate DeSantis and Abbott for their actions.