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MIT researchers develop robots that can build structures


Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT researchers are building swarms of tiny robots that have built-in intelligence that can be used to build structures, vehicles or even larger versions of themselves.

A voxel is capable of carrying power and data, and is being developed at MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms.

When we build these structures, you have to build in intelligence," Neil Gershenfeld, MIT Professor and CBA Director, said in a statement. What emerged was the idea of structural electronics -- of making voxels that transmit power and data as well as force. The voxels make up both the robot itself and the components of the thing being built, allowing them to work together on larger structures.

It could build a structure, or it could build another robot of the same size, or it could build a bigger robot, CBA doctoral student Amira Abdel-Rahman said in a statement.

Gershenfeld says that the research is promising, but it will probably be years before we see self-replicating robot swarms.

The researchers, who published a paper laying out their findings in Nature, are working with the aviation industry, car companies, and NASA on the new technology.