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Bosniaks, HDZ, SNSD to lead the list


According to the order of voting, the Croats will vote first, and Denis Zvizdic, People and Justice Narod i Pravda NiP is the favorite for the future Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina BiH. The chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers will be the HDZ candidate, and as things stand now, Borjana Kristo HDZ, who was unsuccessful in the race to be a member of the BiH Presidency, will sit in that chair.

The new Minister of Treasury and Finance in BiH is slated to be SNSD, which will propose Zoran Tegeltija.

It is Bosniaks turn after that. As it was found out, it is being negotiated that Denis Zvizdic NiP will take over that function in the future convocation of the Council of Ministers of BiH. He seems to be more acceptable than the HDZ and SNSD, because he believes that the HDZ and SNSD are more acceptable than Sabina Cudic Nasa Stranka Our Party who should remain in the state parliament for the next four years.

As for other ministries, Stasa Kosarac SNSD will most likely remain head of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations. The minister for transport and communications should be from the SNSD, and one of the candidates is Nedeljko Coric, the current minister of transport and communications of the Republika Srpska RS. What is certain is that the current HDZ ministers Vjekoslav Bevanda, Josip Grubesa and Ankica Gudeljevic will not be present in the new convocation.

The names of the candidates for the minister of defense, minister of security, minister of justice, minister of human rights and refugees and minister of civil affairs are expected to be announced soon.

With the signing of the coalition of the eight and the HDZ, the door has been opened for the start of negotiations on the formation of government at the state level. The third partner will be SNSD, and the first meetings are expected to be held in the following days, according to