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Biodiversity report finds many companies not doing enough


According to a report from Carbon Disclosure Project CDP on Wednesday, companies are not doing enough to stop biodiversity loss, and most don't know about the damage to nature caused by their supply chains, and are used by investors and other financial market participants to track board progress on issues and assess related risks and opportunities.

CDP said the responses to its questionnaire on biodiversity from more than 7,700 companies is the largest-ever self-assessment and comes ahead of global talks to hammer out a deal on biodiversity in Montreal starting December 7.

One of the questions that will be discussed is whether to make corporate reporting mandatory for more than 330 businesses, including GSK and H&M Group.

A recent report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said so-called eco-system services such as crop pollination and water purification could be worth up to US $140 trillion a year.