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Kellie McCarthy fought for oxygen, pills


For weeks on end, Kellie McCarthy fought the ventilator pushing oxygen rhythmically into her COVID-inflamed lungs with such ferocity that she was given a slew of drugs to tolerate the invasive treatment.

Her body was calmed by sedatives and opioids, while her agitation was calmed by sedatives and opioids. She was mentally tormented, even comatose. The reptilian hiss of the tube in her windpipe inspired nightmares of writhing black snakes. She dreamed that her doctor was trying to kill her.

McCarthy remembers pleading silently. No one is listening to me and they can't reach me. It could be due to a conflict with your ad blocker or security software. You can add to your list of permitted sites jp and If this does not resolve the issue or you are unable to add the domains to your allowlist, please see this FAQ. We humbly apologize for the inconvenience.