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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is out with new book


In a few moments, we are going to run our interview with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is out with a brand new book, Bibi: My Story. It is a great read.

Today, as you may know, is the fifth anniversary of the decision by former President Donald Trump to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem. Prime Minister Netanyahu called it a crucial decision, going back 3,000 years, and we discussed how that decision was a major contributor to the peace agreement that came to be known as the Abraham Accords, which was completed a few years later. It was between the U.S. Israel, the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan and Kosovo.

This began years ago, when he was finance minister, and he held several meetings with late supply-side guru Jack Kemp and one Larry Kudlow in New York. The prime minister acknowledged all that and then he told the story that Jack Kemp told him to do three things: cut taxes, cut taxes and cut taxes. The Prime Minister, while taking that advice, added to it the need to cut the heavy hand of government in order to lighten the burden on free enterprise and entrepreneurship.

You have got limited government, spending cuts, tax cuts, deregulation, and a lot of other things that work to turn Israel into a dynamic, entrepreneurial, technology-led economy, whose per-capita GDP now surpasses France, the United Kingdom, Germany and a couple of others.

Is Israel finally privatizing its energy agency? In the eastern Mediterranean, it discovered vast natural gas reserves, showing the value of free trade and investment alongside free markets as the foundation of peace through strength.

They go back to Ronald Reagan winning the Cold War and Prime Minister Netanyahu establishing Israel as a world power. By the way, we are fighting the same battles here, aren't we? There is a lack of government, spending restraint, tax cuts, deregulation, natural gas development, and an end to big government socialism right now in the U.S. right now.

We will speak with Prime Minister Netanyahu in just a few moments, but that is kind of my warmup riff to make a couple of points.