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COE premiums fall across the board in latest round


SINGAPORE: Certificate of Entitlement COE premiums fell across the board in the latest bidding exercise on Wednesday December 7 with Category A falling after the previous round reached a near 10 year high.

For Category A cars or those 1,600 cc and below with horsepower not exceeding 130 bhp, premiums closed at S $88,503, down from the S $90,589 mark in the last exercise, where it exceeded the S $90,000 mark for the first time since January 2013.

COEs for commercial vehicles, which include goods and buses, fell to S $81,501 from S $81,802 in the previous bidding exercise.

The premiums closed at an all time high on the remaining categories, as they decreased from the Nov 9 bidding exercise.

Premiums for Category B cars or those above 1,600 cc fell to S $105,501 from S $113,881 in the previous round.

Motorcycles' premiums fell to S $12,100, down from S $12,589 in the last exercise. This is the second successive dip after 12 consecutive increases that first started on May 19.