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Bosnia and Herzegovina reports 54.7 pct. tourist visits


Bosnia and Herzegovina has registered 1,264, 833 tourist visits in the period January October 2022, which is 54.7 percent compared to the same period last year.

In January, there were 2,789, 080 overnight stays, which is 43.9 percent more than the same period in 2021, which was the case in January October.

1,448, 086 tourists visited BiH during the January October 2019 period, the year before the outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The number of overnight stays by domestic tourists in the period of January October this year was higher by 14 percent, while the number of overnight stays by foreign tourists was higher by 70.6 percent compared to the same period in 2021.

In the total number of overnight stays, domestic tourists were at 37.3 percent, while the participation of foreign tourists was 62.7 percent.

The highest number of overnight stays of foreign tourists was realized by tourists from Serbia 14.5 percent Croatia 12.8 percent Slovenia 5.8 percent Germany 5.4 percent, the United Arab Emirates 5.1 percent Turkey 4.9 percent and Saudi Arabia 4.5 percent, which is a total of 53 percent. According to the BiH Statistics Agency, tourists from other countries accounted for 47 percent of overnight stays.