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Singapore man charged for giving SingPass details for fraud


SINGAPORE: A man gave his SingPass details in exchange for $1,000 in return.

A criminal syndicate opened five bank accounts in his name and used the accounts to launder criminal proceeds of more than S $650,000.

Mohammad Rozaidi MujimanRozaidi Mujiman, 26, was charged Friday with a count under the Computer Misuse Act of giving his user ID and password for his SingPass account to a person known as Boi He allegedly did so for wrongful gain in the form of S $1,000 commission.

Rozaidi will have a date to plead guilty in January and will be given a date to do so.

According to a police statement, Rozaidi responded to an Instagram message in May this year. The person offered Rozaidi cash in exchange for his SingPass details.

Rozaidi gave over his details, and a syndicate used them to register five bank accounts in his name. The accounts were then used to launder proceeds of crime, amounting to more than S $650,000, the police said.

Rozaidi can be jailed for three years, fined up to S $10,000, or both, if convicted.

The police say they take a serious view of such offences and advise the public to not give up attractive money-making opportunities promising quick and easy payouts for the use of their SingPass accounts or bank accounts.