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Indigenous South African cannabis growers camp outside President's office


Indigenous South African cannabis growers have been camping in front of the President's office in Pretoria since 2018.

King Khoisan SA, reported The Cannabis Culture, "We will not be moved. It is our right to cultivate cannabis and enjoy our way of life.

One of the demonstrators said he is the king of Khoisan, South Africa's first nation that has lived in the country for over years and has grown cannabis unrestricted. In 2022, the police tried to arrest him.

Lt. Col. Robert Netshiunda, spokesman for the South African police said that the Khoisan community is breaking the law by cultivating cannabis, which is illegal in South Africa.

It is nonsensical and hogwash, said Khoisan. We have been living this way for 10, 000 years and I can't stop myself from smoking cannabis, rub my knee pains with it in our land. Tourists are fascinated with the cause, according to the Cannabis Culture. It's a moment to teach the world of the colonial state in South Africa that even controls our plants like cannabis apart from our bodies, Khoisan said.

Social scientist O bren Nhachi said that Khoisan's struggle is another front in the war against expropriation of cannabis, its ownership, and the culture surrounding it in South Africa by the post-colonial state which is still colonial and continuing anyway. This is the place where money is raised, M&A start, and companies meet key partners. On April 11 - 12 at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach Hotel in Florida, join us at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach Hotel.