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Singapore to label non-registered SMS as scam


SINGAPORE: From Jan 31 onwards, organisations that have not enrolled in a central SMS registry will be labelled as a scam. All organisations that send SMSes using alphanumeric sender IDs with alphabets or numbers typically sent through applications will be required to register with the Singapore SMS Sender ID Registry SSIR The full SSIR regime will not apply to SMS labels with mobile numbers that are sent by SIM cards and where the sender ID is linked to a unique mobile number.

The Infocomm Media Development Authority IMDA said on Monday that this will increase our resilience against scams and will increase our resilience against scams, similar to a spam filter and spam bin consumers who receive non-registered SMS labeled as likely-scam.

Foreign-based businesses can obtain a Singapore UEN by registering with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority ACRA, either as a local subsidiary or as a foreign branch office.

IMDA said organisations that have not registered their Sender IDs are advised to do so.

More than 1,200 organisations, using more than 2,600 SMS sender IDs, have already registered as of January this year, according to the agency.