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Wisconsin Assembly Speaker doesn’t believe medical marijuana legalization has a chance


In Wisconsin State Assembly Speaker Robin Vos R doesn't believe medical marijuana legalization in the state has a chance this year.

Vos pointed out that lawmakers are still divided on the issues in a recent interview on UPFRONT. Vos said that we are not that close. I think it is unlikely that there will be a way to find a middle-ground consensus. Voting comes on the heels of the state Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu R, in which he told Capital City Sunday that he thinks the legislation has enough support from Senate Republicans to pass, writes WKOW-TV s.

I think we have 17 votes to get medical marijuana across the finish line, LeMahieu said. Senator Felzkowski is working on that bill with the Assembly. Senator Mary Felzkowski R expressed optimism about the bill being approved in the Senate's session.

LeMahieu recently said that Our caucus is getting pretty close to medical marijuana. A lot of our members, who are probably at a point where they can vote for it now, just want to make sure it's regulated, said LeMahieu, who has previously opposed the idea. We don't want people going in because their back hurts and they're getting medical marijuana. It needs to be cancer pain, you know. This is the first time a leader of the Senate Republicans has shown support for the idea, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

According to a poll released in March by the Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee, 61% of the respondents favored legalization of cannabis. The survey found the majority support among Republicans, with 51% and independents 60% and Democrats 75%. The survey is the first time we've seen a Republican majority in favor, said Charles Franklin, director of the poll.

Tony Evers D plans to ratify legislation to legalize marijuana for adults soon. Wisconsinites support legalizing and regulating marijuana like we do alcohol, while making sure people can access the life-saving medication they need. I am a governor. Evers said on Tuesday that he's looking forward to working with legislators on both sides of the aisle this session to find common ground on this important issue.