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Japan workers seek change in disposal of ehomaki sushi rolls


TOKYO - A labor union submitted a letter to Japan's three major convenience stores on February 1 asking them to change the disposal of ehomaki sushi rolls, which are discarded in large quantities every year after the Setsubun festival that falls on February 3 this year.

The SDGs Union, which aims to solve the food shortage problem, submitted a request to Seven-Eleven Japan Co. FamilyMart Co. and Lawson Inc. at a press conference held afterward. The survey showed that 40% of convenience store workers who had experienced food disposal had left their jobs due to the stress of having to discard the food items.

Kotaro Ogita, chairperson of the union, pointed out that forced sales quotas on convenience store managers and clerks are a factor in waste loss. He stated that the system of convenience store operations in which unsell products are not included in the cost as losses but are shouldered by the member stores is fueling the waste. The union asked the three convenience stores operators about their sales quotas and waste volumes of ehomaki, but they all said they didn't know how individual stores operated regarding these issues.

The Union launched a survey on food waste in September, and has so far been answered by 109 workers at convenience stores and food factories. In the free response section, comments included, It was very hard to push away the feeling of'mottainai' regrettable wastefulness for the sake of work, and I felt guilty as if I was committing a crime. It is a custom to eat an ehomaki sushi roll on Setsubun, facing the direction that will bring you good luck for the year, while making a wish and eating it without saying a word.