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Biden’s speech on economic direction


At 9 pm eastern time, the president will be in the stage before Congress, supreme court justices, cabinet secretaries and guests from across the country to make the case that things are looking up for the United States. Many Americans don't view the state of the nation as much as 21% of Americans don't have a positive view of economic conditions, as reported earlier today by the Guardian s Lauren Gambino and Joan E Greve. The president has yet to answer a question about Biden's speech: Will he run for a second term in 2024? Don t expect an answer tonight, but it is possible that he ll give hints of which way he leans.

But first, a rundown of what happened today so far:

None Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has reiterated his demands that Biden agree to cut spending in exchange for increasing the debt ceiling, a piece of business Congress must agree to do in the coming months.