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Bosnia and Herzegovina's employers highlight complex business framework


At yesterday s meeting of the Club of Independent Intellectuals 99, representatives of the Association of Employers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBiH spoke about the very complex business framework of private entrepreneurs in the FBiH.

The problems of inconsistent policies and regulations related to business, expensive and unsustainable fiscal and fiscal burdens were emphasized.

High taxes, contributions, and expensive and inefficient administration are huge burdens on the real sector.

The FBiH has a very complex social picture and the need in the social protection sector, which puts a lot of pressure on the business community, in addition to the aforementioned problems.

There is an unregulated labor market, lack of records of active jobseekers that would monitor real needs for labor, and it doesn't exist. The import of labor is limited, and the procedures and administration for the work of foreigners in BiH are overcomplicated and long.

The FBiH is very disincentive for foreign and domestic investments, due to the lack of labor, the excessive burden of labor costs, archaic regulations and others.

The Association of Employers in FBiH has proposed about 40 proposals for regulations at all levels of government in BiH and proposes to give specific proposals to improve the functioning of the real sector, because of the fact that they say they actively initiate certain activities with the executive and legislative authorities.