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Veterans, edibles could be banned in Texas


In Texas, veterans are working to protect the state hemp market while lawmakers try to limit access to delta 8 and other edibles hemp products.

Delta 8 THC, a chemical component of the cannabis plant, occurs naturally in very small concentrations. It can produce a mild psychoactive effect in some people similar to delta 9 THC.

The Republican Senator Charles Perry wants to introduce Senate Bill 264 in the next House session, which would ban THC of synthetic origin and effectively end the state's market for edible delta 8 hemp, according to The Texas Tribune.

There are 1.5 million veterans in Texas. People with illnesses who are seeking alternatives to traditional medicine should work to update the state's medical marijuana program, Perry said. The Compassionate Use Program is a 2015 measure that allows residents to consume low-THC products that contain 3% or 5% THC with a physician's recommendation.

The Hobby School of Public Affairs, a recent poll published by the Hobby School of Public Affairs, said 82% of Texans support legalization of cannabis for medical purposes, as well as chronic pain, traumatic brain injuries, and post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD.

After the 2018 Farm Bill passed in the U.S. Congress, Texas legalized hemp production. On June 10, 2019, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 1325, making industrial hemp legal in the state.

According to a report from Brightfield Group, marijuana analytics company Brightfield Group, interest in delta- 8 THC products is on the rise. Demand for hemp-derived products has skyrocketed over the past two years, with sales exceeding $2 billion.

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