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Poland Justice Minister defends himself for carrying pistol


Poland's justice minister defends himself for carrying a pistol, saying he needed one because he had a death contract taken out against him.

Pictures of Ziobro with the handgun tucked into his belt, taken as a gust of wind blew his jacket up while he visited a lignite mine on Monday, have appeared all over the Polish media.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Ziobro said he had the status of a victim in a case involving a murder contract and a few years ago he had applied for a gun permit.

He said the case was at the court stage and the person who had taken out the contract killing had been in pre-trial detention for a number of years.

He is one of the bosses of an organised crime group that dealt with drugs and psychoactive substances and took out a contract against the person who is talking to you right now, Ziobro said.

The Justice Minister said he had been shooting for more than 20 years and added that he was carrying the pistol, a modified Glock 26, because he had been firing the gun that weekend.

He went on to say that he was acting within the law and on the basis. This sensation is totally incomprehensible, and it's incomprehensible. Ziobro is always accompanied by state protection officers, as a government minister and prosecutor general.