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Federal government bans medical marijuana patients from owning guns


The federal government has banning medical marijuana patients from being able to buy and own a gun, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

The brief says that plaintiffs want to use marijuana, but their arguments on this score would instead cast doubt on Congress's ability to disarm illegal users of any controlled substance, including cocaine, fentanyl or methamphetamines.

In November 2022, a federal court dismissed a lawsuit filed by former Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried.

Republican Senator Dan Laughlin of Pennsylvania called for state law enforcement to take action to protect the gun rights of medical cannabis patients.

The GOP Senator cited a ruling by Oklahoma federal judge Patrick Wyrick that states a federal law banning cannabis consumers from owning firearms is unconstitutional. Image Credits: mwewering and PeterPike by Pixabay Edited by Benzinga