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How to prioritize happiness


This story is part of a series of features on the subject of success, Benzinga Inspire.

Happiness is a right in the Declaration of Independence, but it is something that is often pushed into the background as we deal with various challenges in our day-to-day lives.

See also: Warren Buffett There's Only 1 Measure Of Success Without It Life Is A Disaster''

What To Know: According to the Inc., the one question you should be asking yourself is: Am I doing the work I want to do? This simple question can help you highlight what really matters the most. We are driven by different things. Some of us need to reach our goals, others need to engage in their passions and do things that bring joy. Many of us feel the need to keep helping others, and even better the world around us.

It starts with focusing on things that are important to you and it is maintained by making sacrifices to prioritize your own happiness.

Another way to frame this big question is 'If I died tomorrow, would I want to be doing what I'm doing today? The report states.

If the answer is no, then you should figure out a way to change your behavior. Although it can seem daunting and many are scared to admit that they are on the wrong path, it is the right thing to do for your own well-being.

Since work dominates most of your awake time, happiness is knowing that you have chosen the right path for the journey, it's the path of knowing that what you do matters, Inc suggests.

According to the research published in Harvard Business Review, people need to feel like their day-to-day efforts matter to feel like they have a long-term sense of happiness.

Purpose in one's work can improve happiness and increase productivity. There may be things you wish you did differently, but you aren't going to regret having spent your time doing things that you love.

Next: Price Of Happiness Hit By Inflation - You can buy it now, but it'll cost You.