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Solana uses less energy than Google searches: report


In its November energy report, Solana disclosed key findings highlighting the network's speed processing and minimal energy consumption.

The foundation of Solana claimed that a transaction processed on Solana consumes less energy than two Google searches, making it one of the fastest networks for conducting transactions in criptocurrencies.

Solana's SOL platform has become one of the most popular proof-of- stake networks, with a record of processing 50,000 transactions per second.

The report outlined Solana Foundation's collaboration efforts with Robert Murphy, an energy and climate advisor, to help the foundation devise environmental impact of transactions performed on the Solana global state machine. ItstaIt stated that a single transaction on the network uses 0.00051 kWh or 1,836 joules of energy. The average power consumption for a Google search takes about 1,080 joules of energy.

Solana, which is less decentralized thanBitcoin, uses 1,196 validator nodes that can process 20 million transactions a year. The network has also released new statistics showing their average energy consumption per year to be 3,186, 000 kWh.

The report states that the network might implement a new program before the end of the year that will enable Solana to become carbon neutral and facilitate eco-friendly transactional output.

As an efficient proof-of- stake network, Solana is less likely to consume energy than networks that use proof of mining mechanisms to process transactions.

According to Statista, a single transaction of a Bitcoin consumes approximately 4,222, 800,000 joules, which could cause an energy crisis later if energy emissions are not regulated.