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Cold weather forecast for Bulgaria tomorrow


The wind will shift from the west-northwest to the west and bring cool air with it during the night. The cold atmospheric front will also pass through the eastern half of the country and there will be short-term precipitation in some places, with thunder in some areas. There will be a decrease in cloudiness from the west. In Sofia, the minimum temperatures will be between 6 C and 11 C.

Tomorrow, March 26, before noon, light rain will still fall in places in Eastern Bulgaria but there will stop the precipitation, and around noon the cloudiness will break and decrease to mostly sunny. The west-northwest will have a light to moderate wind.

Daytime temperatures will drop slightly as highs will be from 15 C to 20 C, in Sofia - around 15 C.

On Sunday night, a new increase in clouds will start from the west, mostly medium and high.

Cloudiness will be significant over the mountains before noon and there will still be precipitation in places in the massifs of the eastern half of the country. The clouds will break and decrease to mostly sunny around and after noon. A moderate, north-westerly and temporarily strong north-westerly wind will blow.