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Van Goh and Goh discuss first-time salaries


Here are some highlights from the conversation:

My first paycheck probably came in summer internships where I didn't get much money, so I probably got like a thousand dollars for an entire summer and I think a lot of that ended up going to food. Goh: My first paycheck out of college was S $2,800. The first thing I spent on was a trip. Van: You have to be strict on yourself when you get that bonus, don't go on three lavish vacations and eat omakase Japanese fine dining five days a week. I think you need to be disciplined and you can achieve your goals at the same time. There are two things that can really hurt you when you invest. One is a concentration and one is leverage. People are overly concentrated and overly leveraged in Asia. Goh: You shouldn't just scrimp on hobbies and you shouldn't just work 16 hours a day or like six days a week for life to pass by. It justifies why I go to work every day. Money is a means of having experiences. You should not be ashamed of buying a drum kit or experience. You can listen to this episode on managing your first paycheck for a full conversation.