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‘Post Office’s bankruptcy compensation plan urged


He said that we are very clear about that. If they lost their house through bankruptcy, that financial position should be restored and they should be compensated for that loss. The case against the Post Office led to the quashing of dozens of convictions in a landmark legal action in the year of 2019, which was the subject of a landmark legal action against the Post Office. They secured more than 50 m in damages, but there was little left after legal fees and costs.

Mrs Palmer was prosecuted by the Post Office for stealing money when faulty software was to blame. She was found not guilty, but she was still dismissed from her role, losing her income, house and reputation as a result.

She said it got worse and worse until the high court sheriffs came. They put all of our furniture in the front garden. The final humiliation. When I went bankrupt, I had to go bankrupt. Mrs Palmer is one of 23 claimants who have been made bankrupt because of the Post Office's actions, yet are still being forced to pay off creditors who are owed money from their compensation.

All claims for this new compensation scheme need to be settled by August of next year. David Enright, of law firm Howe Co, said that it could be a challenge, because it represents more than 150 victims.

The new scheme is run by the government and is overseen by an independent advisory board. Victims will get up to 18,000 in legal fees to settle their case.