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Japanese craftworks depicting Pokemon open in Kanazawa


KANAZAWA — An exhibition of traditional Japanese craftwork depicting creatures from the popular video game series Pokemon opened on Tuesday at the National Crafts Museum in Kanazawa.

The exhibition is titled Pokemon x Kogei: Playful Encounters of Pokemon and Japanese Craft and is organized by The Yomiuri Shimbun Hokuriku Branch Office.

The exhibition showcases 70 pieces, including goldwork, lacquerware and dyed textiles, by 20 craftspeople, from young hopefuls to a living national treasure. A ceramic vase with a fire-breathing Charizard and a realistic woodwork representation of Ho-Oh, replete with colorful wings, have been the clear winners with children.

Naoya Iino, 33, who came to the exhibit from Saitama, said I was amazed at the precision and attention to detail with which the Pokemon were recreated.

Naoki Nakagawa, 75, an office clerk from Ise, Mie Prefecture, visited the exhibit with his grandchild, a Pokemon fan. Traditional craftworks were nicely adapted to the modern theme of Pokemon. I saw new possibilities for such crafts, said Nakagawa, looking impressed.