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Gas price hikes continue to soar during Thanksgiving


Los Angeles, California : The gasoline price in the United States was at least $1.20 per gallon more than last year during the Thanksgiving holiday.

The American Automobile Association said that the national average for Thanksgiving was $3.39 per gallon, compared to $2.11 last year on Thanksgiving. The increase in price in November is a continuation of a trend that has increased during President Joe Biden's presidency.

Critics of Biden note that the price of gasoline has gone up as the White House has canceled the Keystone XL pipeline.

The Keystone XL pipeline was expected to carry 830,000 barrels of Alberta oil sands crude per day to Nebraska, but the project was delayed for the past 12 years due to the opposition from U.S. landowners, Native American tribes and environmentalists, according to a report by Reuters.

Biden is considering closing down the 78-year-old Line 5 pipeline in Michigan, after requests by Native American Indians.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has demanded the line be shut down by spring 2021.

Biden has blamed high gas prices on price-gouging oil companies, and asked that an investigation be held into America's oil companies for anti-competitive behavior. Biden wrote that the Federal Trade Commission has authority to consider whether illegal conduct is costing families at the pump.

In order to reduce the price of American gasoline, Biden released oil from the United States' oil reserves.

The oil reserves were refilled by President Trump in 2020. Kamala Harris, then-candidate, said that buying oil for the reserves was a bail out for companies.