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Zog Energy becomes latest energy supplier to fail


We use your sign-up to provide content in ways that you consented to and improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Zog Energy is the latest of more than two dozen energy supplies to fail in recent months after being pushed out of the market by high gas prices.

The company has only 11,700 households on its books, making it a little failure against other firms that have collapsed.

Almost four million other households have seen their supplier fail since the start of the epidemic, according to Zog Energy's customers.

The regulator Ofgem will make sure that Zog's customers are assigned a new supplier.

They can use their gas and electricity as usual, but should take a meter reading.

Neil Lawrence, Ofgem's director of retail, said: Ofgem's number one priority is to protect customers. We know this is a worrying time for many people, and the news of a supplier going out of business can be unsettling.

I want to make sure that affected customers don't need to worry, under our safety net we'll make sure your energy supplies continue.

Ofgem will choose a new supplier for you, and while we are doing this, our advice is to wait until we appoint a new supplier and not switch in the meantime.

Customers who are worried about paying their energy bill should contact their supplier to get the best support they can get. They have been unable to pass on the increased costs to customers because of the cap on household energy bills.

The price cap is reviewed every six months and is expected to increase significantly in April as a result of the gas price.

Until then, many energy suppliers will have to sell gas for less than what it costs to buy it, or decide to call it a day.